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Streamlining retirement

September 16th, 2007 at 03:28 am

I've decided to stop contributing to my 403(b) and just contribute to my 457(b). It's nothing that ING did, but I just decided that it's better to streamline things. I think I have better expense ratios with my 457(b) as well. I hope that they allow me to do a direct rollover to my 457(b) even though I'm still employed.

457(b) goodness

August 9th, 2007 at 06:14 pm

Yes, I found out something good about my 457(b) just now. I noticed on the salary deferral agree that there is now an option to take 300 hours of annual leave as a lump sum payment to your 457(b) when leaving state employment. This is as long as you haven't met your maximum for the year. I hope that this is in addition to the 300 hours leave that you are paid when leaving state employment, but I'd rather put it in the 457(b) than cash out if not. I now have over 600 hours so this would help me not lose some hours if I can take both. Not that I'm planning to leave state employment right now, but in the future I may be.

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