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Archive for May, 2020
May 29th, 2020 at 03:57 pm
It’s payday Friday & I received 2 of my paychecks. Hopefully they’ll have my third check for me at my new job this evening. I thought it would be direct deposited, but maybe it will take another cycle before that starts.
This payday I wrote checks for my state & federal taxes, as well as a donation to my high school alma mater. They took out my full loan amount for my TSP, so they will need to refund me the overpayment as my loan will be paid off. My increased TSP contribution didn’t go through this pay period so I expect it to go through next pay period.
My first week at the new job was a little rough. We got slammed with Covid-19 samples due to a cluster, but this week has been much better. I’m getting into my groove with it. My introvert nature doesn’t mind working alone in the lab, either.
Hope you have a relaxing weekend!
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General musings,
Debt diet,
Spending stuff,
Personal Finance
May 26th, 2020 at 03:05 am
Hope this Memorial Day finds you & yours well. I spent most of today & yesterday napping. My first week working 3 jobs was more tiring than I realized apparently.
This week I will pay off my TSP loan. One loan down, one to go. I expect to have my car loan paid off by the end of the year. My credit cards should be at least half paid off by the end of the year as well.
I am now watching the first of the three night series on Ulysses S. Grant on the History channel. I really want to visit Gettysburg one day. Maybe next spring or summer.
Posted in
General musings,
Debt diet,
Travel Tales,
May 15th, 2020 at 02:05 am
I received the job offer last Friday & filled out the HR paperwork that night. Today, less than a week later, I was handed my sign-on bonus. The manager told me it was probably just the paperwork with my info but no check since I had missed the pay period cut-off, but when I got in my car I opened the envelope & there was a check. So surprised & pleasantly so. I am banking the money until I complete the one year period.
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Savings stories,
Personal Finance,
Saving Money
May 14th, 2020 at 01:01 pm
I had decreased my TSP contribution to just enough to get the full match while paying down credit card debt, but with the new job, the sign-on bonus, the stimulus payment, canceled vacations, & the gift from my parents I decided to increase it to meet my limit again this year. I may have to adjust it again closer to the end of the year to make sure I max it out.
I also will have finished paying back my TSP loan at the end of the month. I sent an extra $500 payment last week. That will give me another $250 per paycheck.
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Investing ideas,
Retirement readings,
Debt diet,
May 11th, 2020 at 12:34 am
We ordered a Mother’s Day dinner from a classmate’s restaurant. We had smoked filet tenderloin, Parmesan whipped potatoes, stewed okra & tomatoes, smothered green beans, Sensation salad, garlic dinner rolls, bread pudding, & white wine. It was absolutely delicious! Since I just tested negative for COVID-19 & am asymptomatic I decided to break bread with my parents for the first time in 2 months. I really enjoyed spending the day with them. Hope your Mother’s Day was special as well.
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Food fiend,
General musings,
Food / Groceries
May 9th, 2020 at 05:56 pm
My meter was changed out last month & I got a crazy bill. I called to ask for a review almost 3 weeks ago &
I’m still waiting. The bill was outrageously high (almost 3 times last month’s bill!). The issue is with what they charged me before the meter was changed & now it’s gone so I can’t check it myself. They charged me for 2449 kWh for 23 days, then 102 kWh for 7 days. The 102 kWh lines up with my usually usage. If they can’t verify what they charged me with my old meter I’m going to ask them to prorate me based on the 7 days use.
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Home sweet home,
Spending stuff
May 9th, 2020 at 10:44 am
I was offered the job! I’m not used to everything moving so quickly. It took me 6 months to get on at the federal government & I’ll be starting this job only a week after applying. I’m not sure if they checked references & I can’t recall if I put any down. There’s a sign-on bonus that I’m not touching until I complete my first year. It’s a big commitment going from PRN to part-time, but as I told them I wouldn’t have applied if I didn’t think myself capable. I’m nothing if not reliable. I can’t see myself keeping my PRN job, but I’m committed through May. We’lll see how this month goes with all 3 jobs!
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General musings
May 7th, 2020 at 02:13 am
I saw a posting for a part-time position at a private laboratory with great pay so I applied. I chatted with one of the administrators & she called back to ask me to be tested for COVID-19 before they brought me in for an interview. So I went by today & got my NP swab. Dear God, that was the worst feeling! At first it was just very uncomfortable, then I was uncontrollably coughing & dry heaving, with tears running down my face. I can see why people refuse to be re-tested. I get my results in the morning before my interview. If I’m positive, I’m definitely one of the asymptomatic carriers.
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General musings
May 2nd, 2020 at 01:53 am
I couldn’t resist the *N Sync title, sorry! It would have been more appropriate if I posted it yesterday, but better late than never!
My mom called today & asked me if I wanted my $10k for my wedding. Now there’s no fiancé in sight, not even a boyfriend, but when my older sister got married 14 years ago she promised me & my younger sister the same amount my parents spent on my sister’s wedding. Younger sister has said she doesn’t even want to get married, but it’s for us to use as we’d like - though my mom wants me to use it to pay down my credit card debt. She’s giving me $5k now & another $5k in the new year. I’m very grateful & maybe if I spend it all on my credit card debt as I plan to, then my boyfriend/fiancé will appear. Like Murphy’s Law, right? 😄
Posted in
Debt diet,
Credit Cards,