Home > 9-11


September 11th, 2020 at 06:30 pm

Today is 9-11 & we remember all the lives lost that day. I pray that our country returns to the unity we had in the days following that tragic event.

This week has been busy. My employee is out on maternity leave & another employee has also been out this week. I had to cover the lab as well as my everyday supervisory duties, plus cover for my lab manager in some duties as she took a short vacation.

Today I stepped on the scale & I saw a number that I haven't seen in well over a decade. Pretty exciting. I just hope to continue on this path.

I signed up for a level 1 hammock class at the aerial fitness gym. It will be my first time trying hammock. They also have pole, flexibility, and chair choreo classes. I have never worn heels as high as the heels they wear for the pole classes! I think I'll pass on those classes, at least for now.

Now that we are moving into phase 3, they are starting back at the salsa studio. They are having a limited sign-up social Tuesday. I'll need to do some practicing before I make an appearance!

My sister put an offer on a condo & it was accepted! I'm very excited for her becoming a homeowner. She's never had her own place, even just renting an apartment. I'm going to send her some tea towels as a housewarming present as well as a gift card, maybe to Target.

My finances are as usual. I continue to make progress on paying down debt & will soon be able to say that the credit card debt is below $10k. Still on track to pay it off by spring.

3 Responses to “9-11”

  1. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    What is a hammock class?

  2. terri77 Says:

    It’s an aerial arts/fitness class. It can also be called aerial silks or aerial yoga. Unlike Lyra, which is a loop, you use fabrics hung much like a hammock.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    I had never heard of a hammock class either. Glad to learn something new.

    I do wish we had a unified spirit like we did on 9/12, but sadly, memories run short. I think society often thrives on drama instead of unity.

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