Home > Credit Card Debt Free

Credit Card Debt Free

February 7th, 2021 at 03:23 pm

Not only have I paid off my credit cards, for a short while I actually had a negative balance as I paid more than my balance. I just did my own Dave Ramsey yell at home.

LivingAlmostLarge had another great survey post. I am resharing my answers below for posterity.

My parents retired with 2 pensions. One for 20 years active duty military. They were able to pay all bills with his military income while earning another pension of 20+ years working with the state. They didn’t need that much money in the bank, but working 20+ years without touching their salaries certainly allowed for it. My mom mostly stayed at home until all of us girls graduated high school.

I don’t envision myself retiring early even though I could. I have enjoyed my career & am looking forward to achieving more. I have the age of 60 in mind, which is still plenty young. I will have 30 years with the federal government so a good pension, SS supplement until age 62, and SS after that if it’s still available. I will probably wait until full SS age to withdraw depending on my health. I should have several million in my own retirement accounts as well. I am on track to be mortgage free many years prior to retirement, but I am planning to sell soon. 

Net Worth: $1,180,104



8 Responses to “Credit Card Debt Free”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    Yeah, retirement is not on my radar at all. I love working and I love my job. Financial independence is most definitely on my radar (obviously). 😁 More "prepare for the worst".

    Congrats on the cc debt free!

  2. Wink Says:

    Congrats to no credit card debt! Have you decided your next move after selling? Single family? A yard to garden? Renting? I've always been interested in real estate and love looking on-line, even though I am not looking to move!

  3. terri77 Says:

    I’m not one to garden. I’ll probably rent an apartment until I decide my next move.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Way to go on paying off those cards!

  5. disneysteve Says:

    Congrats on paying off the CCs!

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    So happy for you that you are now out of debt. Woo Hoo! My husband says he wants to work until he is 72 providing his body or mind doesn't break down before then, and maybe even longer. He loves the work he does. It challenges him and is always interesting.

  7. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Congratulations! Amazing job on paying off the Credit cards. Do you have to work to 60?

  8. terri77 Says:

    I don’t have to work until I’m 60. My minimum retirement age for my pension would be 57, with as little as 10 years service. Working until 60 would give me 30 years of service. I worked for the state several years prior. I wish I started with the federal government right away even if I had to move, but hindsight is 20/20.

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