Home > Still Purging & Packing

Still Purging & Packing

July 24th, 2021 at 05:16 pm

It's amazing what you can accumulate in a home after 15 years. I moved into this home with only the bedroom set I had in my parents' home. I have accumulated so much stuff, some that I didn't buy myself & never used. Such as a silver gravy boat. I don't even make gravy & if I did, I wouldn't serve it in silver! So that has been my life the past 3 weeks. If anything will cure me of my love of shopping it's weeks of having to give things away. 🛍 

I hope to get repairs done soon so I can list my condo soon after I move out. It's so hard to find reliable people that follow up. 

My rent will be more than double my mortgage, which I can afford & am okay with. Since I applied 3 weeks ago they have already raised the rent by a few hundred dollars. (On another note I hope I don't regret passing up on the 3rd floor unit with the vaulted ceilings & skylight.)

My 401k rollover has been deposited in my TSP. It was only a little over $1k, but I'm glad to have the money consolidated in my TSP. I was being charged a $1.25 fee for what I'm not sure. It's not much, but I try to avoid any fees.

Stocks were up & down this week, but ended up at a high. My accounts are at an all-time high. 

Investments $1.193 million

Net Worth $1.335 million

2 Responses to “Still Purging & Packing”

  1. Dido Says:

    I can relate to your packing and purging dilemma. I too have lived in my house 15 (and a half) years, the longest I've lived anywhere as an adult (and in a year and a half, it will be longest I've lived anywhere, period). I moved at a very busy time in my career and it's been years since I decluttered. I'm hoping to get some done now so that when I do move (estimated in about ten more years), it won't be so overwhelming. Moving every few years, as I did for most of my adult life, definitely helps keep possessions under control!

    Good luck with getting your condo repaired and sold and enjoy the new digs!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    One of the things I dread if we ever move is the purging and packing! My heart goes out to you.

    Glad you are happy with the new place. I had a friend who sold her house and paid rent and was happy to do so since she no longer had the headaches that went with being a homeowner. Sounds like you are feeling the same and that's wonderful if you've found some place you like. Hope you can get the condo sold soon.

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