Home > Ozempic


August 6th, 2022 at 07:31 pm

I had my semi-annual primary care appointment on Tuesday. I decided to ask my doctor about Ozempic & if I qualified. Many people seem to be taking it. I qualify due to being diabetic & overweight. And full disclosure, I have not been taking care of myself as I should the past several months. After seeing my weight gain & lab results I started back walking this week. It's so hot outside, but if I go after 7:30 in the evening it's not horrible. I'm getting well over 10,000 steps daily. The last two days I've been over 13,000 steps.

I requested the Ozempic prescription to be filled. It was $1,250 before insurance, $200 with insurance. My doctor put me on the injection, which is supposed to be more effective than the pill. I'll try it & see. Taking care of your physical health is an important part of financial health. I definitely got a wake-up call this week.

2 Responses to “Ozempic”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    You are right, taking care of yourself is very important. I had to pay out of pocket for a couple of years for a medicine and would I do it again, you bet! It helped until I could take something else. You can't replace your health.

    Good for you on walking!

  2. crazyliblady Says:

    I feel what you are saying about taking care of yourself. I have had trouble with taking care of myself, too, as I seem to have an ever-flowing stream of work everywhere.

    I have trouble with exercising and gardening outside, because the temps have often been over 100F. Recently, I bought a new walking treadmill on ebay. I originally ordered it for my husband, who is overweight and needs to exercise, but he is disabled and so going outside to exercise is not possible. He has used it and likes it, but I have also used it about 5 times and I absolutely love it.

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