I enjoy following your budgets so much that I thought I'd give it a go at sharing mine. I know that I put more on credit cards than this budget accounts for, so I really need to get better at actually accounting for my expenses. Now that I write that, I realize that I had nothing in my budget for travel or shopping, which is definitely not correct. In fact I just spend $800 on booking ballet & plane tickets for NYC in July. 🩰 ✈️ 🚖
rent $1712
utilities $100
auto insurance $143
cell phone & internet $143
food $400
travel $300
shopping $300
church $100
charities $100
Apple $1
IRA $500
savings $500
brokerage $500
Expenses $3399
Savings $1500
Total $4899
I now realize that in posting a budget how vulnerable you feel opening yourself up to others' scrutiny.
May 12th, 2023 at 04:58 am 1683863924
It takes most people several months to work all of the kinks out of their budgets. Don't let forgetting something discourage you from keeping on.
Thank you for sharing, I enjoy reading other people's budgets, too.
May 12th, 2023 at 01:15 pm 1683893722