Home > Unexpected Pay Day

Unexpected Pay Day

February 12th, 2021 at 05:21 pm

Unexpected pay day! At one of my jobs I am paid semimonthly: on the 1st & 15th, but I guess because it's a bank holiday on Monday I got paid early. I think, the stock market, may still be trading - at least for part of the day. They usually only close all day on major federal holidays.

This long weekend is actually a triple holiday weekend: Valentine's Day on Sunday, President's Day on Monday, & Mardi Gras on Tuesday! Oh, and then it's Ash Wednesday, of course. I should probably consider giving up sweets for Lent. 

Mint sends me notification of various trends. Apparently I'm on a positive cash flow streak, which is why my checking account has continued to grow. I like to keep at least $5k to avoid paying fees.

I am considering paying my credit cards weekly. I know it doesn't make sense if I just pay them off monthly, but I'm feeling a little anxious after having paid off my credit card debt. I don't want to find myself in the same position again.

Next pay day is on the 19th. I am quickly approaching $1.2 million net worth. 

Net Worth: $1,197,166

2 Responses to “Unexpected Pay Day”

  1. terri77 Says:

    So with average historical stock market returns of 8%, once you each $1.2 million invested you can expect to accrue (on average) about $100,000 in stock market gains without needing to contribute more. I will still continue to contribute, but I think $1.2 million is a good goal to look forward for this reason. Again, we all know that we can’t predict what the market will do from year to year, but this is just an average over time.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Wow, that's wonderful on the net worth!

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