Home > Another Job Interview

Another Job Interview

July 18th, 2015 at 05:51 pm

This week I had only my second interview this year. I'm optimistic as I used to work with the manager, but she's interviewing several more people - who also probably used to work with her. Pay is not great, but I'm motivated & the work is largely on the weekend: 5a-1:30p. I would still have most of my weekend to do as I please or need.

In other news, I had an employee leave to pursue educational opportunities so I'm short-handed & will be hiring - hopefully soon! I'm excited to be able to interview & hire someone who fits in with my vision of what we need. My other employees I "inherited". I realize what a huge game changer adding a new employee into the mix can be, so I hope to choose wisely.

2 Responses to “Another Job Interview”

  1. VS_ozgirl Says:

    I hope you gain someone who will complement your workplace Smile

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Hope your realize good from both your interview and your interviewee.

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