Home > Officially Moved In!

Officially Moved In!

September 5th, 2024 at 05:52 pm

I moved on Tuesday & I'm just getting settled into my new home. It's been crazy, but I'm glad to back home. 

I will say that I absolutely do not recommend 3 Brothers Moving company. Unlike others who have their own trucks & movers they contract out their services. They don't have any sense of ownership over the quality of the move & they don't even bother asking you for feedback.

They are way overpriced. Bringing in movers from out of state makes it very expensive. Local moves require local movers. If you can't provide that service, just say so. I paid about a third of what I paid to move probably double what I moved Tuesday. I had damages of my furniture & home.  I'll never use this company again & I can't recommend them. 

2 Responses to “Officially Moved In!”

  1. Dido Says:

    Sorry you had a bad experience with your movers but congrats on moving in and good luck getting settled!

  2. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Congratulations on finally being in your new home! Hopefully you can soon forget about your bad experience with the removalist company and really enjoy being in your new place.

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