Viewing the 'General Musings' Category
October 31st, 2010 at 01:35 am
I do plan on switching health insurance plans to a plan with an HSA. I'll contribute another $10 or $20 per pay period in addition to the $750 that the insurance plan will contribute for the year. I won't contribute to the FSA this year. I think the HSA has many advantages over the FSA including that it rolls over every year. So it's a source of income for medical expenses not just now, but also in retirement when I may need it even more.
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September 25th, 2010 at 03:23 am
I signed up for Mint.com last week. Oh my goodness, but is that site addictive. It's awesome. I'm checking the site daily.
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September 6th, 2010 at 05:02 am
Just saw Going the Distance with Drew Barrymore and Justin Long. It was hilarious, yet sweet at the same time. But warning to some who may be offended by strong language and graphic sex scenes: it fully deserves its R rating.
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August 7th, 2010 at 08:03 pm
I've had several great opportunities come up at work. I'm excited about them and hope that they translate into more opportunities. My supervisor even asked me to help at an event for women in the federal workplace. I think it's going to be a great networking opportunity.
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June 13th, 2010 at 04:04 pm
It's strange how out of nowhere I get an email regarding a blog that I posted a reply on years ago. Don't know what triggers that.
Took two trips in May which I thoroughly enjoyed. One to Virginia to visit my sister's new baby and one to visit to the Twin Cities to my friend.
I'm getting anxious about my credit card debt. I really need to get that debt down. I'm not used to carrying credit card debt and it makes me uncomfortable. I am really going to focus on paying it off in these coming months.
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April 17th, 2010 at 05:14 pm
I've been stressing about my debt a lot - but doing very little to alleviate it. This month I bought plane tickets for 2 separate trips next month. I also need to book a hotel for the second trip. Thank goodness I can get very nice hotels for very low prices at Hotwire.com. I love that website. I've had much better experiences with that website than with Priceline.com.
I'm going to have to curb my spending after these trips in order to pay down my debt like I'd like to. It's not a lot, but I have far less worries when I'm debt free.
My parents welcomed their first grandchild March 21st. My niece Laura Elizabeth is just precious and I can't wait to meet her next month.
My mom and I attended the strawberry festival last Saturday and I really enjoyed it. I need to take advantage of all the great festivals in this area. South Louisiana in particular has the best food festivals. We missed the oyster festival last month - hate oysters - but will go next spring. My sister sent me an e-mail about the crawfish festival. That should be fun.
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March 6th, 2010 at 04:48 pm
I was just doing some financial homework online and realized how very long it has been since I posted a blog here.
I am doing well, both personally and financially, though I wish that I could be more focused and disciplined when it comes to my credit cards. I think that will be my big challenge in 2010.
Things going on with me:
I am still working my second job and enjoying that additional income. I've been thinking about adding another income source. I think it's good to have several sources of income. It provides security, as long as you aren't dependent on all those different sources of income. I would sell Avon, but worried that I would spend it my income buying Avon for myself, family, and friends!
I have been attending a church that I really enjoy. I am becoming more involved there. I have enjoyed my spiritual growth in recent months. I definitely feel more at peace.
I have lost 13 pounds since joining the YMCA in September. I hope to lose at least 13 more by the end of summer and even more beyond that. I am a slow loser because I do enjoy my food! Obviously.
I am expecting my first niece in 9 days. I'm so excited and I love her already! We went to Virginia a couple of weeks ago to participate in a surprise baby shower. We had so much fun.
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May 23rd, 2009 at 05:31 pm
Funny how that works right? I'm finding that what I didn't want to happen is happening. The more money I bring in from working PRN, the more money goes out. Granted, it's going towards paying off debt, but I hope that I can return to living on a lot less if or when I return to just working my one job.
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April 18th, 2009 at 06:57 pm
It's nice to see my investments slowly inch upwards - for however long this will last. I'm not counting on the end of the swings, dips, plunges, and surges quite yet, but a relatively stable and seemingly improving economy seems to be improving a lot of people's moods, funny enough. I'll enjoy the feeling while it lasts.
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March 21st, 2009 at 02:21 am
I've been very much absent from my blog and I apologize for that. Not that I think I'm so important to the members here, but I like to not just fall off the face of the earth for two months.
I'm off to LA on Sunday morning. I'm taking a long week of vacation to attend the World Figure Skating Championships and catch up with old friends. I've been working and socializing. The life of a relatively young single person with no kids and little responsibilities.
I started back at my former job working part-time two evenings a week, in addition to my current job. Nice to bring in some extra cash. Student loan repayment is coming up quickly!
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January 6th, 2009 at 02:44 am
I have been neglecting my blog here and I truly apologize. Since I last posted we have celebrated Christmas and the New Year. I personally celebrated a birthday and a graduation. Yes, it's finally done. I have a graduate degree.
Since mid-November I have been celebrating my graduation. I'm in a really good place in my life right now and I don't know if I've ever been happier. I feel accomplished, hopeful, and carefree. It's crazy to think that in these very uncertain times, but I'm very much at peace with my life and what the future holds.
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November 30th, 2008 at 06:20 pm
I turned down an offer of a job in Bethesda, Maryland. I spoke to the manager and then interview with a lady, I think she was the assistant manager/supervisor. I got a salary quote from her that was several thousand more than the offer the manager ultimately extended to me. I was very disappointed and felt that I was being low-balled because he thought he could. So I turned the position down. They had five openings at the moment.
I just sent off an application for a job in Sacramento, California. The salary is very nice, better than the position in Maryland (the higher salary offer) and the cost of living is much less expensive than the DC area according to all information that I have researched. They also seem to have long-standing openings so we'll see how this goes. I know that there is a lot of openings in my field, but I get nervous when there are many openings or openings that remain open for a long time.
Other than that, I feel very thanksful this holiday weekend, that I am solid financial ground whatever I decide to do. Choosing a career in health care provides a lot of stability in very uncertain times.
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November 23rd, 2008 at 05:48 pm
Last week I finished graduate school. Gave my final presentation - without any major panic attack - and turned in my last paper. It felt good! I've been floating ever since then.
Finishing grad school allows to really focus on advancing my career. I'd like to make more money. I don't have to be rich, but I understand the freedom that comes from financial security. I make decent money now, but more would be better.
I work for the federal government and there are a few programs that allow for an increase in salary with achivements, such as completing another degree. We'll see how that goes. I'm relying on my supervisor to take care of that.
Otherwise, I'm actively searching job listings. I will be attending the inauguration in January - I just couldn't pass up such a historic event - and will be in town long enough to have a couple days of interviews if I get any offers in the area. It will also be nice to spend some time with my sister and her husband.
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September 20th, 2008 at 07:46 pm
My Roth IRA usually isn't fully funded until my last automatic contribution in December. But I decided to take advantage of the low prices during this week and go ahead and fund my Roth for the year. It's nice to have that done.
I found out that my agency will pay us an additional $300 each day worked for the week of Hurricane Gustav. Monday was Labor Day, but I worked Tuesday-Friday and so will get paid an additional $1200 on my next paycheck.
Additionally, my insurance company paid me $400 for the food that I lost from losing power for the week. That's below my homeowners' insurance deductible. I love my insurance company.
I'm a happy lady.
I tried to get my inspection done for my car, but the place that I frequent ran out of stickers. In fact, the guy ahead of me got the last one. Bad luck. No worries. I can go back later today or tomorrow.
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September 9th, 2008 at 02:47 am
Well, we made it through Hurricane Gustav. My home suffered minimal damage. My parents' home had a tree fall on it, but they and my younger sister were luckily unhurt. That's what matters the most. I got all my utilitie: phone, cable and power, back Friday night. My parents got power back Saturday night and the rest today. Oh, the joy of hot showers and baths. I'll never take that luxury for granted again.
My city got hit hard. Tuesday morning, since I'm considered essential personnel, I had to go into work. It looked like a war zone. Truly, it was something out of a movie. Trees on homes everywhere I looked, power lines down in the streets. We had a 8pm-6am curfew. Grocery stores are still mostly bare. Gas station lines wrapped around blocks. I lost a freezer full of expensive Jenny Craig food. My freezer and refrigerator are bare.
I never want to deal with anything like this again. Hopefully, Hurricane Ike will spare us this week.
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July 29th, 2008 at 01:21 am
I'm always looking ahead as well!
My 2009 goals remain the same as my 2008 goals. Contribute 20% to TSP, build savings to 6 months' of income (I think I currently have about 4 months' income), pay off credit cards, and pay down my car and graduate school loans. I need to do better on paying off the credit cards, otherwise I'm doing pretty well on accomplishing my goals for 2008 and beyond.
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May 10th, 2008 at 08:50 pm
So last month I get a notice that someone has visited my page and left their name. Of course, when you log you can't see their name unless you upgrade to "gold" membership. But there was a 7 day free trial. You know, those free trials where they take your credit card number because they know that you'll forget and they'll get some money out of you.
So of course despite my best intentions, I forgot. I just checked my credit card balance online which I rarely do, and caught it. Of course the membership fee is non-refundable and of course I promptly went to Classmates.com to see what I could do in order to avoid any more charges. I cancelled the automatic renewal that I had never authorized and deleted my credit card information. They had the wrong expiration date by a year anyway. My mistake.
I'm just pissed that I knew it was going to happen and did it anyway. I've learned my lesson.
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May 6th, 2008 at 02:28 pm
There's a new link at the IRS website where you can check on the amount and date that you can expect to receive your money. Mine will be $600 deposited May 9th.
I upped my withholding for this year. Because I'll get a $2,000 credit for tuition I'll be getting a good bit back. I'd rather get it back over the year. I need it now. Next year I'll lower it.
I love that with the federal government you have access to so much employee information online. I was able to get a lot of detailed information on their Employee Express website.
I wonder if you receive a W-2 for Pinecone? Do you need to declare that maney as income? I've started to keep track of my checks just in case.
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May 3rd, 2008 at 06:25 pm
I got my first check from Pinecone. I always wanted to take part from all that I've read about the company through here, but never could sign up. But I clicked on an ad banner from Spark People and finally got started. I'm excited to have a little extra change and be able to get information on new products.
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April 25th, 2008 at 12:39 am
I'm enjoying my new job. I think that I'll be happy here. I miss my old co-workers, but my new co-workers are friendly as well. I'm excited about all the opportunities.
I'm bringing my lunch everyday. I'm actually enjoying finding different healthy things to bring. I like browsing the deli and picking out different meats and cheeses to try. I also started buying the Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted whole grain bread. It's good. I think bringing my lunch is helping my wallet and waistline!
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April 16th, 2008 at 01:15 am
This Sunday my friend and I attended the French Quarter Festival. It was the 25th anniversary. It was such an enjoyable even and free! Even better, they didn't charge ridiculous prices for food. The prices were very reasonable and the food was delicious. I had a bbq shrimp po'boy for lunch and gumbo for dinner. There were even more choices than that, but for dinner they were running out and closing down. My friend had the best shrimp etoufee that I ever tasted! Most everything was $4-6, including alcohol. It was a great day, a little chilly as the day wore on, but still wonderful.
The spillway was open on the way into New Orleans Sunday and on my way back today. It was closed some of last week. The currents looked so strong standing on the riverfront Sunday. The river was higher than I've seen.
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April 2nd, 2008 at 03:49 am
I really don't like April Fool's.
Yesterday I made my extra payment to my Roth for the year. My extra payment is the amount that is left for my to meet the limit after my monthly contributions. I have automatic withdrawals of $400 a month so my extra payment was $200 to meet my annual goal of $5,000. I like to make my extra payment during the first quarter or at the first quarter so that I don't have the think about it the rest of the year. The remaining $3600 to be funded will be taken out automatically.
There's really no way that I would even forget about the extra payment, but it's nice to get it out of the way early. I'm going to keep making these monthly payments through 2009 then start maxing out my Roth with lump sumps at the beginning of the year in 2010. I don't know what I decided on that, I just did. I guess it will be even better to get it done that early. I just always liked making automatic even payments throughout the year.
I was thinking today how blessed I am financially. I will be able to max out or almost max out both my 457(b), 403(b), and my Roth this year. That amazes me. It's not because I make so much. It's just that since I'm changing jobs I will be paid out several hundred hours of leave and I chose to contribute that to my retirment account instead of being aid cash. I'm excited to my account grow.
I've been spending money without leaving home! All these things that I'm getting done cost money. The air conditioning guy came yesterday. I sometimes feel that I get taken advantage of when it comes to repairs and such because I'm a woman and not familiar with those costs, but I can't let it worry me. Tomorrow the carpet cleaners are coming. The home repair guy will come Monday. I spoke to him today and I'm hoping that those repairs don't cost too much either. I hate always asking my dad to do things.
I just had spaghetti. Again. Living by yourself you just eat and eat on leftovers. I'll be happy to eat the last of it tomorrow!
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March 27th, 2008 at 03:48 am
I'm on vacation for the new few weeks. My last day at my job was Monday. I worked the holiday weekend. Four 12-hour shifts, 7p-7a. Now I'm on leave for several weeks, trying to use up my annual leave. I start my new job April 14th.
I'm not going anywhere special. I want to save money and do things here at home. I have several things on my to do list. I had my alarm system installed Monday. I feel much more secure after the break-ins in the community.
I've been working out more. My blood sugar is running a little high and with my extensive family history of diabetes I need to lose weight and exercise. I feel better already.
The next few months will be very frutiful for me financially. I have a surplus on my graduate school account and it will disbursed to me next month. The economic stimulus will be in the mail in May.
Leaving my old job I will get paid approximately 500 in annual and compensatory leave. I wiil have that amount contributed to my 403(b). I also have my 457(b) to contribute. It's nice having both plans and being able to contribute $31,000 a year. With the federal government I'll be getting a 5% match on my contributions as well. I'm feeling very blessed.
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February 13th, 2008 at 07:13 pm
A few weeks ago I got a call from the Veterans Health System for an interview. I had applied for a job several months ago with the VA clinic here in town. I was surprised to hear from them as the job announcement said that the job would be filled within 30 days. I had a phone interview then a call for references. I got the job. Well, with the federal government it's called a tentative offer. I had to fill out some papers, have a background investigation, get my fingerprints scanned, get my education and experience evaluated by the Vet Pro board.
It's amazing the red tape you have to go through to get a job with the federal government. I had to do none of this when I got a job with the state government. Just a drug test and that's it. I think I'm looking at several weeks before I can begin the job. The sooner the better, the situation at my job is not getting any better.
GWB is on TV signing the economic stimulus bill. How long can they drag out this one bill? It seems like they just keep debating, voting, passing, and signing on the same darn bill.
I've been home sick all this week. My mom has taken good care of me. She comes over and brings me food and medicine. I'm a lucky lady.
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February 4th, 2008 at 04:32 am
I stopped H&R Block so that my dad could complete my taxes. He had a few questions about my educational expenses. I'll get a nice refund this year. Even more than last year when I bought my home. I will also be getting back the balance of my loans this month. And, if I get the job that I interviewed for this past week, I'll get 160 hours paid out as well. Another 300 hours I can deposit in my 457. February will be a very fruitful month for me!
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January 19th, 2008 at 10:24 pm
The interview went well. I was there about an hour and a half. It didn't feel like it. I answered some questions with a panel of 5 people that I would be working with. When I went to sign out of the builing I recognized the name of the other person that they were interviewing for the job. I've known her for several years and she was actually one of the people that trained me when I was in doing my clinical rotations. She has more experience and seniority than I do so I wasn't hopeful at that point. I even came home and started browsing more positions.
A few days later the lead interviewer called and left a message on my answering machine. When we finally got back together on the phone a few days later she had more follow-up questions for me. Rightly or wrongly, I was completely honest in answering her questions. I didn't want to waste her time or mine. Basically she wanted to know if I had other aspirations besides this position and I do, absolutely. So we'll see where that goes. Judging on the lack of communication, it's not going anywhere. That's fine. I'm not stopping on my quest for a new job.
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December 24th, 2007 at 04:44 am
I got my first interview! The lady emailed me on Tuesday saying that she had received my application and wanted to interview me. She would be out of the office Wednesday and wanted me to contact her Thursday. Well, she ended up calling me on Thursday at 7:30 in the morning because she wanted to make sure to catch me. She didn't have to worry as I get off at midnight. I had only been asleep for a few hours so I hope that I was coherent. The interview is January 9th. I'm the first interviewee. I don't know how many positions they are interviewing for, if there are multiple positions.
It would involve some local travel, which would be my only drawback. I'm already putting a lot of my miles on my new car to get to graduate school. Hopefully they provide a car. I also hope that they will be understanding og me attending graduate school. When I'm at work I'm totally there, but I need my off-time to be for school.
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December 17th, 2007 at 06:35 am
December is always a big month for me, but even more so this year. I turned 30 on the 5th of this month. I finished my first year of graduate school and for the first time in over 7 years I'm looking for a new job. I'm so excited about all the changes happening in my life right now.
I'm really concentrating on growing my income by working smart, rather than just hard. Which means I'm advancing my career rather than just working a lot of overtime. I think I'm on the right track.
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December 12th, 2007 at 03:33 am
So my final payment to Sallie Mae was finally processed after 4 days. Unfortunately, they also processed my regular automatic payment. So I have a credit sitting in my account that they refuse to return to me until they finish "processing" my loan. In 30-45 days! Never again.
As well, they always credited my extra payments that I sent through the mail to interest as well as principal. Now I'll pay the principal online and save myself the postage. My graduate school loans aren't to be in repayment until six months after I graduate at the end of 2008.
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November 27th, 2007 at 10:55 pm
I decided to write down my goals for 2008.
Contribute $245 to my three accounts. My goal is $15,000 in 3 years, my current balance is just over$5,000.
I have about $2,000 on a credit card. I will contribute $500 plus the amount of my monthly purchases every payment.
My original Sallie Mae loan is now at $300. With automatic payments my loan will be paid off in about 4 months. My grad school loans will begin repayment 6 months after my December 2008 graduation.
My car payment will be $326. After finishing with the credit card balance I will contribute the extra to the car payment.
Continue contributing $400 biweekly to my 457. That is an annual contribution of $10,400.
Continue to fund my Roth IRA to the maximum. That will be $5,000 in 2008.
My payments are $313 biweekly. I occasionally get a few pennies interest from a savings account and will transfer to principal. Otherwise, my payments will continue as is for this category. I'm more focused on the other debt.
In somewhat related plans, I want to focus on school and looking for a new job. I'm off this week since I worked the holiday (12 hour shifts for 4 days) and I'm writing papers and taking civil service tests.
The lady asked why I wanted to take the test again since I scored so well. I told her that I wanted an 80 on the test. I scored a 74. She said that few people score so well and I must be a perfectionist. I'm not. What I am is really motivated to move on to a better position.
I took another test since it hadn't been 28 days since I took the one that I wanted to retest on. Next time I'll take a different one again. I'll keep taking them until I'm where I want to be.
What are your goals???
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