Home > Rough Week

Rough Week

January 10th, 2021 at 10:48 pm

Last week was a rough first week of the New Year. I hope that this second goes better. I'm feeling a bit run down & when I'm tired, my emotional health seems to suffer first. I think it's time for me to step back from working so many hours. It's hard for me to say no when I know people are in need, but my well is getting dry. I also need to make time to get my home ready to put on the market.

The stock market seems to have weathered all the turmoil this week very well. My investments continue to rise.

It looks like we will get our 1% raise after all. I'm thankful for anything at this time. I also continue to look for promotion opportunities.

Net Worth: $1,159,880

2 Responses to “Rough Week”

  1. Wink Says:

    Please get some rest, and thank you for caring so much for others!

  2. VS_ozgirl Says:

    When you look after yourself you give the world a better version of yourself i find.. even just watching the amount of sleep you get can make you feel better, take care of yourself.

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