Home > Update on my Mom

Update on my Mom

May 29th, 2024 at 05:36 pm

My mom ended up spending 11 nights in the hospital, including 3 nights prior to her surgery. She was then transferred to a neuromedical center for rehab for 2 weeks. She has another week remaining here. My mom is very ready to go home. She is a homebody & this has been hard for her.

My mom had a rough time after the surgery. It was expected that she would go home after one night. Her age & maybe the Parkinson's has made the recovery slower. Also her back condition had deteriorated so much that the surgery took longer than usual. She was in a lot pain & not herself at all. She can't remember much of what happened, which is probably a good thing.

Thank you for asking about my mom & sending your well wishes.

1 Responses to “Update on my Mom”

  1. Dido Says:

    I'm sorry to hear your mom had a rough time and I hope that things go much better from here on out!

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