Home > Another House Update

Another House Update

July 14th, 2024 at 09:13 pm

The driveway was poured & the landscaping is complete. There is sod, plants, and flowers. The alarm system has been installed, but is not activated. The front door was painted and the numbers are on the door. The sconce is on the front porch. The stucco & siding are painted. The closet rods & towel racks were hung. Still no kitchen appliances, but all of my neighbors have their appliances so they must be coming soon. And they are leaving the houses unlocked even with the appliances, which surprised me. I have a list of punch items that I want the project manager to address. He claims we are on track to close end of July/beginning of August, but I don't want to close until everything is addressed.

2 Responses to “Another House Update”

  1. mumof2 Says:

    wow that was super fast...make sure you get a good site inspector to go through it and make sure everything is up to scratch before you take possesion of it....

  2. Turtle Lover Says:

    Almost there! Hopefully you'll be able to share some photos ... I know this site has issues sometimes ... but I'm hopeful.

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