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December 12th, 2020 at 04:35 pm
I always say that I'll let the final payment go through as usual, but like with my TSP loan I couldn't wait. My automatic payment of $200 went through yesterday & I had $180.15 remaining. I scheduled the $180.16 payoff amount for today. She's all mine now! 🚙
This is my second loan payoff this year & I've moved my anticipated credit card pay off from spring 2021 to January 2021. My balance will never be zero as I don't pay in cash, but it should just be my usual monthly purchases on my balance after next month, rather than recurring debt. I am now down to $3k from $22k earlier this year.
My next paycheck I will contribute $700 to my TSP to max out for the year. I still have $2k remaining to contribute on my 2020 IRA. $500 will be contributed on the 15th.
I'm so excited for my progress this year. It's like I woke up out of a slumber. Next year I'll be able to focus on rebuilding my savings.
Still no news about whether federal employees will get a raise next year, but I'm still due for a step increase. Of course, we will have to begin paying back deferrred OASDI taxes in the new year.
I enjoyed my day off yesterday. I ran some errands, did some house chores, & had a belated birthday lunch with a friend. Today will be more of the same. I slept in very late today. I guess my body needed it.
Have a great weekend & happy Hanukkah to those celebrating! 🕎
Net Worth $1,102,723
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December 5th, 2020 at 06:49 am
Well, I am less than an hour into my birthday. I just got home from work. So much to be thankful about & to reflect on. When I think of where I was a year ago, I've made huge progress financially & in other ways.
Today I am less than $2k away from having $1 million in investments. So very close. It would have been nice to make that goal on my birthday, but I know it's just around the corner.
I just wrote a check for my property taxes. I did finally get the bill in the mail. I like to pay my bills as they come in. I know some people do theirs monthly.
Net Worth $1,101,715
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November 25th, 2020 at 02:59 pm
Due to our rate of positives our governor has pushed us back to phase two. We were in phase three with up to 75% occupancy, now we're back at 50% occupancy.
I unexpectedly sold an EBay item on Sunda (it's been a while since I've had a sale) and the two people ahead of me weren't wearing masks even though we still have a mask mandate. That Pfizer vaccine can't come soon enough for me. Fingers crossed that I get selected. 🤞🏾
I really have banged myself up this last week. I have some sort of carpet burn on my side possibly from the Lyra loop, I think I may have broken the same toe again, and I sliced my finger open in the lab fridge door. I'm a walking accident!
The Dow passed 30,000 yesterday! So exciting. I am less than $23k from $1 million in just investments. My home equity & car worth is what is pushing me over $1 million now. I am kind of kicking myself for not getting in on those travel stocks, but oh well. You win some, you lose some. There will be other opportunities I'm sure.
I am home during the day for the next 3 days. I need to go grocery shopping for today's holiday cooking. So happy to have a few days off. I still have to work in the evening, though. I have 3 more use or lose days before the end of the year after this. I will take them the week of Christmas. My sisters are still planning to come home & I pray for their safety traveling.
it is my birthday next Saturday & my early birthday present to myself was buying President Obama's first volume of his presidential memoirs. He is a wonderful story teller & I look forward to reading it when I can find the time. I may lend it to my mom first as I'm currently so busy. It is over 700 pages.
Friday is payday & I only have 3 paychecks left in 2020 as well as 3 payments on my car. My last car payment is my Christmas paycheck. Merry Christmas to me! That's $200 extra biweekly. I love when I give myself a raise through debt payoff. I will also max out my TSP with my last paycheck.
Happy Thanksgiving all! 🦃
Net Worth $1,077,566
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November 8th, 2020 at 02:23 pm
Well, it's finally over. The election has been called & I couldn't be more relieved. The markets handled the uncertainty just fine.
I planned on giving all of my immediate family planners with stickers for the next year. (Added: I already purchased the Denise Albright planner stickers. She has several sets of stickers for working people, moms, dads, budgeting.) I found some planners at Dollar General yesterday, but I think I will end up buying something spiral-bound. They were surprisingly nice for $1, though.
I think I will end up paying off my credit card debt before spring. Probably not by the end of the year, but earlier than I had planned. My car loan has 4 more payments on it then she's all mine!
Net Work $1,023,683
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October 31st, 2020 at 06:54 pm
Happy Halloween! 🎃
We had a fun Lyra photo shoot yesterday evening inspired by Halloween. I got some good pics out of it. My flexibility with Star on the Bar (my favorite pose) continues to improve. 🌟
Yesterday at the clinic we had a Halloween party. There was costume & pumpkin decorating contests as well as other fun games. Lots of good food as well. It was a fun event. 👻
We survived Hurricane Zeta with little local damage. There was more damage in the New Orleans area with this storm. And we still have another month to go in this very active Hurricane season. 💨
I've decided to start trading stocks within my Roth IRA (for tax purposes). I'm excited to do my research & learn more about the companies I'm interested in. They say you should buy what interests you & I am definitely leaning towards stocks related to travel. 🛩
Cruises are no longer under a No Sail order as of midnight today, but who knows when they will start cruising again. When will people feel comfortable cruising? Maybe not until there's a vaccine & even then maybe only when we've had time to study the side effects. 🛳
I got my third paycheck of the month yesterday. It's nice when you get to make an extra payment on debts. I'll do some end of the month budgeting later today. 💰
I have 4 biweekly payments left on my car loan! Today my cash on hand exceeded my debts for the first time in years, probably. Still on track for total debt payoff by spring 2021. 🙌🏾
Net Worth: $960,559
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October 31st, 2020 at 06:31 pm
This is a test blog as I've already lost 3 blog entries. 🎃👻
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October 16th, 2020 at 12:48 am
That’s the number I got today for my latest Experian report. Only 2 points from perfect!
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October 15th, 2020 at 12:37 am
My dad is doing better. He got a shot in his shoulder & prescription Naproxen (Aleve, but stronger). I picked up his medication & a few grocery items for my mom after his appt. He said he was feeling a little better by the time I left that evening. The next morning when I called he was out in the yard using his blower. He seemed to be doing fine when I dropped off some food for them today.
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October 12th, 2020 at 05:18 pm
Today is a federal holiday so I have the day off. I worked a 12 hour shift at the hospital. When I got home last night my mom called to tell me that my dad had been in bed all day because he couldn’t move his right arm. That caused alarm bells to go off immediately in my head. I then spoke to my dad & he explained that it was bursitis that he’s experienced before. That calmed me down a little. He has an appointment this afternoon with his doctor. He tried to tell me that he could drive himself. Really?! I don’t think so. My mom hasn’t driven in months & she gets nervous easily. So of course I’m driving him to the doctor.
They called about 3 times this morning trying to tell me that didn’t have to take him since it was my day off, but if I did, I didn’t need to stay there & wait for him. Like I could ever consider helping my parents as a burden! I’m so grateful for all that my parents have done for me. I consider it a joy whenever I can make their lives a little easier or less worrisome.
I’m so grateful that I can make a good living here since my sisters live on the east coast. And if they decide to move maybe I will, too. I can be happy anywhere & in any situation because that’s what I choose to be. Having said that, I do believe that some places & situations will bring me more joy than others. I’m working on improving my life everyday: financially, personally, spiritually, and professionally.
I spent some time this weekend & today organizing my jewelry. Coincidentally, as I was doing this my friend offered her rolling jewelry case for free. I already have a nice Pottery Barn jewelry case that I picked up from Tuesday Morning, but I’m excited to see what hers is like. The one from Pottery Barn has a lock that doesn’t work, which is why it was such a steal.
Net Worth $1,009,805
Also, Happy Indigenous People’s Day & Happy Thanksgiving to the Canadians! 🦃🥧🌻🍁🍂🇨🇦
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October 10th, 2020 at 06:04 pm
Hurricane Delta has passed & I am relatively unscathed. I lost power for 9 hours & still have no internet, but other than that and the now dry closet leak, all is well. The weather is sunny & dry this morning.
Yesterday was my sister’s birthday & I called to send her my best wishes. I got to speak to my niece & nephew as well. They’re growing up so fast! I can’t wait to spend time with them during the holidays. I still hope that they will be able to travel home for Christmas.🎄
I missed Lyra class this morning. The power was out & I was just not physically feeling up to going, so I canceled my reservation for today’s class. I’ll be back on Tuesday. The studio is doing a Broadway showcase for the various classes. I’m thinking of doing a routine to Masquerade from Phantom. 🎭 We’re also having a Halloween photo shoot which will be fun. 🎃👻
Have a good weekend! Since the clinic was closed yesterday we now have a 4 day weekend due to Columbia Day, though I work tomorrow at the hospital. 🏥
I did a search & there have been no announcements yet from the IRA regarding retirement plan contribution limits for next year. I’ve only seen one person say that the 401k limit will increase to $20k, but I would be very surprised by that happening.
Net Worth $1,007,225
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October 9th, 2020 at 08:04 pm
Hi all! NPR is working on a project on American families living paycheck-to-paycheck. Does that describe your household, before and after the pandemic? NPR correspondent Alina Selyukh would love to hear from you!
In an email to Alina, please describe a little bit about yourself and your situation. Her inbox: [aselyukh@npr.org](mailto:aselyukh@npr.org).
Feel free to copy and paste to repost.
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September 1st, 2020 at 11:22 pm
It’s September & my favorite season is in sight. 🍁🍂🎃
Ka-ching! That’s the sound of another sale! I sold 4 more tea towels today. I get more excited about selling something that the money I make! I’m going to ship the package on the way to the gym.
Today is the start of the payroll tax deferral. I’m a federal employee & of course, they will opt in to the holiday. I’m going to be really annoyed when I have to pay back these taxes in the new year, but unfortunately I don’t get to opt out of this political stunt.
My third job called me in yesterday. I got in 4 hours, most which will go to taxes due to my extra withholding, but I don’t want to come up with extra money when I file my taxes.
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August 28th, 2020 at 01:06 am
All is well on the home front. We had some wind & rain our way, but nothing terrible. I made it to work bright & early. Hurricane Laura is the strongest hurricane to make landfall in Louisiana in 164 years! It is a miracle that there isn’t more loss of life than is being reported.
I called my parents today as I do everyday. I asked what they were having for dinner. They said probably cold cuts sandwiches. I decided to surprise them with dinner from La Madeleine’s: chicken La Madeleine, quiche Lorraine, cranberry pecan salad, their freshly baked bread with butter & jam, and an assortment of dessert tarts. 🍗🥔🥦🥧🥗🍞🧈🍮 They were happily surprised & enjoyed everything. I figure making it through the storm unscathed was as good a reason to celebrate as any!
I’ve never been able to post pictures so I make do with emojis. 😁
In financial news, my biweekly mortgage payment posted yesterday & my balance is now under $56k. I bought my condo for $122k with 20% down. I’m always excited to see that balance go down slowly, but surely.
Net Worth $988,470
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August 26th, 2020 at 03:15 pm
We are awaiting Hurricane Laura. She is supposed to make landfall near the Texas/Louisiana border as a category 4. She is picking up strength as they initially thought she would be a category 1 or 2 at landfall. Some of the low lying parishes are evacuating. A mandatory evacuation of Calcasieu Parish was ordered. We are on the east side of the storm, but about 2 hours away from where the eye should hit. We will get a significant amount of rain & wind, but not the very worst of it. Please pray for all those in the area impact by the storm. Thankfully, Marco did not cause much of an impact.
I am getting an increased amount of interest in my EBay sales. There must be an algorithm that the more you sell the more you traffic you get.
I caught a good sale on those Jelly Belly recipe mix bags. Thery were 75% off at the Fresh Market. The best by date isn't until December 2021, so I'm holding on to them as stocking stuffers. I grabbed all 19 bags! My younger sister is a big fan of jelly beans.
I am now down 20 lbs in 8 weeks. I lost a lot of weight with WW in my 20's, but I am losing just as quickly as I did then. This program really works for me. People are noticing, which is nice. I tend to not like to draw attention, but if I'm going to get attention, at least this attention is positive.
Net Worth: $981,568
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August 23rd, 2020 at 11:28 pm
I worked today, but as soon I got off work I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few things. Then I went home & latest EBay sale ready to ship. While I was at the post office I got a notification that I sold another tea towel. So I turned around & went home to get the other tea towel ready to ship. Both are at the post office even though there was a notice that the post office will be closed tomorrow due to the weather. I still wanted them marked as shipped, even though the packages probably won’t be going anywhere tomorrow. I’m excited that my EBay sales have picked up & I hope this continues. The money isn’t much, but it’s better to have the money than the excess material things.
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August 22nd, 2020 at 04:48 pm
We have 2 storms brewing & both look to be headed for the Gulf Coast, unfortunately. I think I am pretty well stocked up for supplies. I have plenty of non-perishable food in my home thanks to my eating plan.
I sold another tea towel on EBay. So exciting! I’ll have to get it in the mail today, before the storms delay the mail even further.
I took a Lyra class taught by my friend yesterday. It was fun. I usually find strength training a chore so it’s nice to find something that is fun.
The TSP website is down for 2 whole days for maintenance. That’s a long time for a website to be down. I know that stocks are up & my Vanguard account is up, as well. I’ll wait until Monday to do a net worth update.
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August 13th, 2020 at 11:59 pm
Well, I just got hit by a scam company. They called promising me a 50% discount on my DirectTV bill through a promotion with EBay. You may have heard about this scam where they ask you to pay for several months of your new promotional rate with an EBay gift card. I was looking it up on the internet as he was talking & found it was a scam. I reported the scam & the associated phone numbers to AT&T. They said that they were getting numerous calls for this scam. Be aware that AT&T will never ever ask for a gift card for payment & please let your vulnerable loved ones know about this scam.
Net Worth: $968,965
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Net Worth
June 13th, 2020 at 06:03 pm
I received 2 of my paychecks this Friday. I will receive the third on Monday. My credit card debit is down to $15k with yesterday’s payment. Monday I will send $500 to my Roth IRA. I have set up recurring transfers again on the 15th of every month.
I am contemplating taking a break from my second job in July. The third job is keeping me plenty busy with 20-25 hours weekly. Having a break on the weekends would be nice.
With the lack of gym time I’m looking to make some changes to my diet. I’m speaking to a friend today that has lost a lot of weight through dietary changes. And with my weekends free maybe I can get back to taking my evening walks on weekends at least.
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May 29th, 2020 at 03:57 pm
It’s payday Friday & I received 2 of my paychecks. Hopefully they’ll have my third check for me at my new job this evening. I thought it would be direct deposited, but maybe it will take another cycle before that starts.
This payday I wrote checks for my state & federal taxes, as well as a donation to my high school alma mater. They took out my full loan amount for my TSP, so they will need to refund me the overpayment as my loan will be paid off. My increased TSP contribution didn’t go through this pay period so I expect it to go through next pay period.
My first week at the new job was a little rough. We got slammed with Covid-19 samples due to a cluster, but this week has been much better. I’m getting into my groove with it. My introvert nature doesn’t mind working alone in the lab, either.
Hope you have a relaxing weekend!
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May 26th, 2020 at 03:05 am
Hope this Memorial Day finds you & yours well. I spent most of today & yesterday napping. My first week working 3 jobs was more tiring than I realized apparently.
This week I will pay off my TSP loan. One loan down, one to go. I expect to have my car loan paid off by the end of the year. My credit cards should be at least half paid off by the end of the year as well.
I am now watching the first of the three night series on Ulysses S. Grant on the History channel. I really want to visit Gettysburg one day. Maybe next spring or summer.
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May 11th, 2020 at 12:34 am
We ordered a Mother’s Day dinner from a classmate’s restaurant. We had smoked filet tenderloin, Parmesan whipped potatoes, stewed okra & tomatoes, smothered green beans, Sensation salad, garlic dinner rolls, bread pudding, & white wine. It was absolutely delicious! Since I just tested negative for COVID-19 & am asymptomatic I decided to break bread with my parents for the first time in 2 months. I really enjoyed spending the day with them. Hope your Mother’s Day was special as well.
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May 9th, 2020 at 10:44 am
I was offered the job! I’m not used to everything moving so quickly. It took me 6 months to get on at the federal government & I’ll be starting this job only a week after applying. I’m not sure if they checked references & I can’t recall if I put any down. There’s a sign-on bonus that I’m not touching until I complete my first year. It’s a big commitment going from PRN to part-time, but as I told them I wouldn’t have applied if I didn’t think myself capable. I’m nothing if not reliable. I can’t see myself keeping my PRN job, but I’m committed through May. We’lll see how this month goes with all 3 jobs!
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May 7th, 2020 at 02:13 am
I saw a posting for a part-time position at a private laboratory with great pay so I applied. I chatted with one of the administrators & she called back to ask me to be tested for COVID-19 before they brought me in for an interview. So I went by today & got my NP swab. Dear God, that was the worst feeling! At first it was just very uncomfortable, then I was uncontrollably coughing & dry heaving, with tears running down my face. I can see why people refuse to be re-tested. I get my results in the morning before my interview. If I’m positive, I’m definitely one of the asymptomatic carriers.
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April 29th, 2020 at 07:21 am
I’m still working, 6 days a week in fact. I know I could work 7 days a week if I wanted to, but I’m just not physically/mentally able.
I’m eating at home a lot more. I am also getting a lot of sun & exercise with our daily walks. They are not leisurely walks. We cover 4 miles in an hour. Today we tried, but ended up turning around before getting caught in a downpour just before we made it to our cars. My friend joked that it was my initiation.
Our shelter in place order was extended until May 15th & I wouldn’t be surprised if it keeps getting extended as people aren’t taking proper precautions.
I think my stimulus payment might hit my bank account this Friday. I did my part to stimulate the economy by buying a Roomba that was on sale.
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April 15th, 2020 at 02:12 am
I have not received my stimulus check, but my friend did Venmo me my share of the refund for our canceled event. It was about $60 less than what I paid because they apparently charged us a fee for them canceling an event. Go figure. So that was $977.20 deposited into my account today.
I am still awaiting a decision on my claim for the airline tickets. I know airlines are allowing you to rebook within a year, but I purchased travel insurance & would rather have the money. I filed my claim March 11th & I was supposed to hear back within 10-15 business days. I have been patient since I figure they are overwhelmed, but I finally decided to give them a call tonight. I got a voice message that they were closed even though it’s well within the business hours posted on their website. I’ll try again in a few days.
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April 12th, 2020 at 02:28 pm
Happy Easter! 🐇🐰🐣🐥 I hope that you enjoy your day with your loved ones. I will stop by my parents to wish them a happy Easter, maintaining social distance, of course. I’m looking forward to relaxing on my one day off.
I have worked 40 hours at my PRN position in addition to my regular FT job these past 2 weeks. Good Friday I worked for 1.5 holiday pay. So it works out to 44 hours. They definitely got their money’s worth out of me on Good Friday. In addition to non-stop COVID-19 testing they received large supply shipments. I didn’t get a break Friday or Saturday, but did get a lunch at least. I got over 10,000 steps Friday without doing our usual walk.
My co-worker & I meet his friend everyday to walk around our university lakes. It takes about an hour to walk the 4 miles & it is hot! 🥵 Yesterday we got a little cool front & I hope that it lasts for at least a few days. 🤞🏾
I tried to post on another blog that the IRS website is going live with the site to enter your direct deposit information sometime in mid-April, so any day now. I haven’t received a refund in years & won’t be paying what I owe until July. So thankful for that extended deadline!
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March 29th, 2020 at 02:15 am
I worked a 12 hour shift at the hospital today. 🏥 Every time I work there seems to be another added layer of protection. In the lobby they stop all employees. 🛑 We have our temperature taken & are given a mask to wear. 😷 🌡 They also give us a meal ticket for the cafeteria. 🎫
My event tickets for my canceled trip to Montreal will be defunded. 🇨🇦 That should be about $1k. Also, I bought trip insurance for my flight so that will be refunded. ✈️ I plan on putting the money toward my debt. I bought insurance for my trip to Switzerland, we’ll see how much it actually covers if Switzerland is still closed to travel. 🇨🇭
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March 26th, 2020 at 07:50 pm
Yes, same subject...part 2.
Random thoughts & updates in no particular order of importance:
1. My state has the fastest growing rate of infection in the country. Mardi Gras really increased the infection rate exponentially.
2. Still working both jobs as an essential health care professional.
3. Schools closed for 4 weeks under an order from the governor until April 13th.
4. Stay at home order began at 5 p.m. this past Monday.
5. I am quarantining myself from my parents for their safety.
6. I will get probably less than half of the stimulus money for singles if it all passes as is.
7. I am appreciative of 90 extra days to pay my federal taxes. I've heard no word about state taxes. I already contributed the max to my IRA for 2019 even though the 2019 deadline is now extended as well.
8. I had a trip to Montreal canceled & I predict that my trip to Switzerland in May will be canceled as well. Switzerland is being hit hard.
I hope all is well with you. I pray that you & your loved ones stay healthy and unaffected by this virus. I haven't been here as much. I find myself consumed with watching & following the news on social media. I should probably take a break.
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March 6th, 2020 at 01:59 pm
I am home sick, yesterday & today. Doctor says it’s allergies, but I feel whipped. Cough, chilly, achy, low energy. And now a runny nose I guess from the cough medicine breaking up the congestion. He gave me a steroid shot, prescribed cough medicine, and gave me a chest x-ray because I didn’t like the way my breathing sounded. After he examined me he sent me out to the waiting area with a mask. That got me a lot of wary looks. 😷
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March 3rd, 2020 at 06:26 pm
So through a set of circumstances that my mom is calling divine intervention, almost the entirety of my debt was revealed to her. Of course I was...there is not a word that could accurately describe what I felt. My debt is definitely a source of shame & fear. Not fear in that I can’t pay it, but that it’s a cycle that I’ll never get out of.
So we had a discussion over the phone. She wanted to wait until later to talk since I was at work, but I hate that. When people have something serious to say to me I want to hear it now, not later. Anyway, after the discussion I went in & cut my TSP contributions down to the minimum I needed for my full match. That will put $600 more in my check before taxes. Once I finish paying off my TSP loan in July I’ll have another $250 a paycheck after taxes. Once I pay off my car I’ll have another $150 per paycheck, also after taxes of course. If I suspend my IRA contributions that’s another $500 a month.
I’m going to pull out my Dave Ramsey book & get serious. I may even take the course offered at church. I’m tired of this debt yo-yo & I’m going to nip it in the bud once & for all.
My mom asked me about my travel & will take the next 2 trips that I have scheduled. After that I’m on hiatus. It will be hard to pass up trips with my friends, but I’m so determined to do this. Also, I think my mom is somewhat in shock & I’d like her to not worry. She says that she isn’t, but like me, she’s a worrier by nature.
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