March 8th, 2025 at 10:41 am
TSP $1,297,598
IRA $378,475
Brokerage $9,539
Total Investments $1,685,612
Savings $10,139
Home Equity $139,000
Feb 2025 Net Worth $1,834,751
Jan 2025 Net Worth $1,866,262
Monthly Loss/Gain -$31,511
Checking $6,698
Car $11,000
Posted in
Net Worth
February 1st, 2025 at 07:32 pm
My raise for the year was $1.02 per hour or $2,121.60 annually. My TSP contribution increased $500 and I'm increasing my contribution to my FSA by $700. That is $1,200 for the year before taxes. I don't see where I can contribute or save more at this time. My savings & checking account are at their lowest point and I'm hoping to build them back up, but I also have a lot of fun planned for the year. Expensive fun, too.
I took one trip to Maryland last month when my sister had surgery. Not fun, but I did at least one fun thing while I was there - dancing! 💃🏾
This month I'm going to Italy: Venice, Bologna, and Florence. 🇮🇹
In March I head to Boston. 🦞
In April I will have an elective procedure which will keep me home for only a week. 🤕
In June I head to England. 🏴 🇬🇧
In the fall I am hoping to take a cruise to Canada. 🇨🇦
And in between that all I hope to keep dancing & maybe travel to some dance events. 💃🏾
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Retirement readings,
Savings stories,
Spending stuff,
Travel Tales,
Personal Finance,
Saving Money,
Professional Life,
February 1st, 2025 at 07:25 pm
First net worth for 2025! How did I fare? Pretty good! Despite the panic posts I kept seeing, I didn't pay too close attention. I ended up a significant amount for the month when the dust settled.
TSP $1,321,757
IRA $381,285
Brokerage $9,221
Sub-total of Investments $1,712,263
Savings $14,99
Sub-total cash assets $1,727,262
House Equity $139,000
January 2025 Net Worth $1,866,262
December 2024 Net Worth $1,805,796
Monthly Gain Loss $60,465
Checking $2,065
Car $11,000
Posted in
Net Worth
January 12th, 2025 at 12:11 pm
For 2024, I completed all of my goals save for the savings goal. For the last few months I had to pause savings as I was spending so much money due to the new home & move.
I did not get my eye surgery this year & I am expecting to have a surgery for my fibroids so some of my FSA money will probably go towards that. I will reassess having eye surgery. I got contacts, but I am not happy with them yet.
2024 Goals:
$23,000 TSP ✅
$6,000 TSP employer match ✅
$7,000 IRA ✅
$6,000 brokerage ✅
$12,000 savings ❌
$2,600 FSA (to fund my vision surgery) ✅
My Net Worth increased by $316,569 in 2024.
2023 Net Worth $1,489,227
2024 Net Worth $1,805,796
Posted in
Net Worth,
Personal Finance
January 10th, 2025 at 11:37 pm
TSP $1,274,564
IRA $368,934
Brokerage $8,447
Investments Sub-total $1,651,945
Savings $14,851
Home Equity $139,000
December 2024 Net Worth Total $1,805,796
November 2024 Net Worth Total $1,858,899
Monthly Loss/Gain -$53,103
Other Assets:
Car $11,000
Checking $4,071
Posted in
Net Worth,
Personal Finance
January 9th, 2025 at 12:22 pm
Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2025! 🎇 🎆
I am currently in Maryland as my sister had surgery yesterday, but when I get home I will post my December 2024 Net Worth entry, as well as my 2024 Year End review.
Posted in
Personal Finance
January 1st, 2025 at 01:36 am
Happy New Year! 2024 was good to me, despite health challenges for myself and my mom, who spent a month as an inpatient between the hospital & rehab. I have great expectations for 2025.
My financial goals for 2025 have not changed much. I am readjusting my budget & cash flow after building my home.
1. Max out TSP: $23,500
2. Max out Roth IRA: $7,000
3. Max out FSA: $3,300
4. Contribute $500 monthly to brokerage: $6,000
5. Begin to replenish my savings re-starting with $100 monthly contributions: $1,200
6. Rebuild cash cushion in checking to at least $10,000.
7. Automatic contributions to church & charity.
8. My TSP match will be $6,300.
Posted in
Savings stories,
General musings,
Personal Finance,
Saving Money
December 3rd, 2024 at 05:53 am
TSP $1,319,624
IRA $379,382
Brokerage $8,194
Sub-Total Investments $1,707,200
Savings $12,699
House Equity $139,000
November Net Worth $1,858,899
October Net Worth $1,762,802
Monthly Gain/Loss $96,097
Other Assets:
Car $11,000
Checking $5,207
Posted in
Net Worth
November 10th, 2024 at 09:30 pm
TSP $1,240,049
IRA $361,961
Brokerage $7,210
Investments Sub-total $1,609,220
Savings $14,882
Home Equity $138,700
October Net Worth $1,762,802
September Net Worth $1,789,495
Monthly Gain/Loss -$26,693
Car $11,000
Checking $4,939
Posted in
Net Worth
October 27th, 2024 at 09:16 pm
I continue to have issues with the moving company. I submitted all pictures & documents and they took weeks to offer me a whole $75. No, thank you! I contacted a furniture repair company and paid a $125 fee to get an estimate of $3,711 to repair their damaged. Not even including the scratches on the floors.
They counter offered $125. Which just covers the fee I paid. No, thank you, again! I disputed the claim for a second time & will continue to do so until I get a reasonable offer.
Posted in
Home sweet home
October 12th, 2024 at 04:54 pm
My mom mentioned that I should be getting my deposit returned once I moved out of my apartment. I honestly did not remember paying a security deposit & told her I didn't pay one. Well, I unexpectedly got my deposit returned. That was $250 I was not expecting, but was happy to see.
My request to turn off (or stop) service on my move out day was not processed. Entergy says that they can't even see where I requested it. So I'm on the hook for another month. It's only $53, but I am aggravated that the property wouldn't pay for it when I sent the bill showing it was after my move out date. Poor business ethics on their part. I will certainly include that in my review of their property. Along with all the noise issues I endured for 3 years.
Last night when driving I could barely see with my headlights. I have never had this happen, but do headlights just all of a sudden stop working? I have a very low headlight that only shows just what I'm passing over & nothing ahead. I kept hitting my brights to avoid getting in an accident because I couldn't see ahead. I would turn them off when encountering other cars. I made a service appointment to have my headlights checked out. I may still drop in today since it's just that one issue for them to look at.
Posted in
Home sweet home,
General musings
October 2nd, 2024 at 05:50 pm
Total Investments $1,629,864
Savings $20,931
Home Equity $138,700
September 2024 Net Worth $1,789,495
August 2024 Net Worth $1,760,970
Monthly Gain/Loss $28,525
September was so very expensive: moving, new home, new furniture, a lot of home supplies & services purchased. I'm looking forward to settling into a more normal or routine schedule as far as expenses goes.
Posted in
Home sweet home,
Spending stuff,
Net Worth,
Personal Finance
September 28th, 2024 at 03:17 pm
Moving is expensive, so very expensive!
The actual move cost just under $6k, then there's the new furbiture, window treatments, appliances, home supplies, etc. I love my new home & have no regrets, but I am taking a break on my cash savings in order to recoup cash flow.
Also, absolutely do not use 3 Brothers Moving & Storage. They are a moving broker & you will do so much better hiring a local company. They bring in people from out of state which is super expensive. You are paying essentially not just for your move, but for their transportation & hotel costs as well. Ridiculously overpriced & the people that they use are highly questionable. I wish that I had done more research prior to hiring them. Even their moving reviews are a scam. They pay for them!
Posted in
Home sweet home
September 7th, 2024 at 05:03 am
TSP $1,230,506
IRA $360,024
Brokerage $6,141
Total Investments $1,596,671
Savings $25,823
Home Equity $138,476
August 2024 Net Worth $1,760,970
July 2024 Net Worth $1,709,201
Monthly Gain/Loss $51,769
Other Assets
Checking $9,070
Car $13,000 (average)
Posted in
Net Worth
September 6th, 2024 at 11:05 pm
The base price for my home was $321,990. With upgrades the final price was $335,874. I put down 40% and the buyer paid the points to buy down my interest rate to 5.99%. My monthly mortgage payment will be $1,207. With escrow for homeowners' insurance ($109) and property taxes ($261) the total monthly payment will be $1,577. I will just pay $1600 monthly as I prefer even payments. I will pay additional to principle as I am able. My monthly rent payment was $1,732. It would have gone to $1,816, including the $52 monthly water charge.
Posted in
Home sweet home
September 5th, 2024 at 05:52 pm
I moved on Tuesday & I'm just getting settled into my new home. It's been crazy, but I'm glad to back home.
I will say that I absolutely do not recommend 3 Brothers Moving company. Unlike others who have their own trucks & movers they contract out their services. They don't have any sense of ownership over the quality of the move & they don't even bother asking you for feedback.
They are way overpriced. Bringing in movers from out of state makes it very expensive. Local moves require local movers. If you can't provide that service, just say so. I paid about a third of what I paid to move probably double what I moved Tuesday. I had damages of my furniture & home. I'll never use this company again & I can't recommend them.
Posted in
Home sweet home
September 3rd, 2024 at 09:07 am
I posted my net worth update on the 1st & again a blog has disappeared. It's so frustrating when that happens. This one had my first numbers for the house as well. I am finally moving today, but I will repost the blog when I get a chance.
Posted in
Home sweet home,
Net Worth
August 11th, 2024 at 03:34 am
So are furniture salespeople as shady as car salespeople? Because I've never had a car salesman add on so much, or upgrade my selections like I had happen to me today. I didn't realize that I needed to scrutinize my receipt so closely. If I had I would turned right around. I'm really upset as it adds up to over $700 in overcharges by adding furniture protection contracts & upgrading a sofa from what I selected in store. This isn't my first time purchasing furniture. I've never had anyone automatically add the furniture protection. I've always been asked prior. I will be there as soon as they open tomorrow & if I get any push back I will cancel my entire order & go to another store.
Posted in
Home sweet home,
Spending stuff,
August 10th, 2024 at 03:37 am
I closed on the house yesterday! I am now officially a homeowner once again. And I did just try to upload a picture, but it failed.
Posted in
Home sweet home
August 3rd, 2024 at 03:16 am
TSP $1,201,990
IRA $351,497
Brokerage $5,504
Total Investments $1,558,991
Savings $150,210
July Net Worth $1,709,201
June Net Worth $1,656,396
Monthly Gain/Loss $52,805
Checking $10,659
Car $10-16k
Posted in
Net Worth
July 26th, 2024 at 11:46 pm
I hate when I write a long blog & lose it! Ugh. 😩
So the inspection & walk-through on Monday & Tuesday were postponed until today due to the builder delays. There was no kitchen appliances, a missing fan, and no garage door. Today looking at the full slab of my countertops I finally saw the color variation that I was told about, but couldn't see in the sample. It was a little thing, but made me happy.
Today the fan was picked up, but not installed. The kitchen appliances & garage door were installed. The garage door was not painted yet. The builder told me to be picky on punch items & I definitely was. I wanted every little paint blemish touched up. Seems like it would be easier for them to just do another coat of paint everywhere rather than look at all my blue tape markings. But what do I know?
I do know that I love all of my design selections. You spend so much time second guessing every selection that it's very satisfying to walk through & think that you wouldn't change a thing. It all turned out just how I envisioned. I'm happy with the choices I made & that I went against popular opinion on some things. Today looking at the full slab of my countertops I finally saw the color variation that I was told about, but couldn't see in the sample. It was a little thing, but made me happy.
I spent weeks pouring over all the information I could find about quartz vs granite countertops, pure white vs extra white paint on trim, agreeable gray vs repose gray paint on walls, best paint colors for stucco, looking at brick colors & textures on different homes, weighing door colors, debating whether to paint my lower kitchen cabinets & island a different color, looking at flooring options, cabinet hardware, kitchen backsplash, fireplace tile, lighting fixtures. I think I exhausted my mom just talking about it.
And next week is finally closing day. It's been a fun process. A little frustrating & stressful at times, but mostly exciting.
Posted in
Home sweet home
July 21st, 2024 at 10:42 am
On Friday I was contacted about a closing date. It's really here! I have my independent home inspection on Monday afternoon, then my first walk-through on Tuesday. The second walk-through & closing are scheduled for the following Tuesday.
The pendants are installed over the kitchen island & I have carpeting. Still no kitchen appliances. I told them that I wasn't interested in closing until all items I identified are addressed.
Posted in
Home sweet home
July 14th, 2024 at 09:13 pm
The driveway was poured & the landscaping is complete. There is sod, plants, and flowers. The alarm system has been installed, but is not activated. The front door was painted and the numbers are on the door. The sconce is on the front porch. The stucco & siding are painted. The closet rods & towel racks were hung. Still no kitchen appliances, but all of my neighbors have their appliances so they must be coming soon. And they are leaving the houses unlocked even with the appliances, which surprised me. I have a list of punch items that I want the project manager to address. He claims we are on track to close end of July/beginning of August, but I don't want to close until everything is addressed.
Posted in
Home sweet home
July 13th, 2024 at 09:59 am
On Wednesday I met my next goal of $1,200,000 in my TSP. Friday my TSP closed at $1,209,480,85. Let's see how we end the month!
Posted in
Net Worth
July 6th, 2024 at 04:25 pm
I just posted my June New Worth, then eclipsed that with this week's gains. So much in fact that Monarch had me surpossed $1.7 million for the first time. Pretty cooly. Lucky 7! I will feel very confident when I reach $2 million. That is my goal by age 50.
Posted in
Net Worth
July 3rd, 2024 at 11:48 pm
So far there is installed:
quartz countertops
lighting fixtures
light switches
backsplash tile
fireplace mantle
mantle tile
vinyl wood floor
ceramic tile floors
Still awaiting installation of:
kitchen appliances
closet rods
shower doors
towel racks
alarm system
Outside they started painting the stucco, but the siding & doors haven't been painted.
Posted in
Home sweet home
July 1st, 2024 at 01:50 pm
Good Morning and Happy July! It's been over a week since I've seen the house. I'm headed there this morning for doctor appointments and will stop by to see the updates. I'm antsy to see whatever progress they've made. I don't get nearly enough pictures. 🏡
TSP $1,169,909
IRA $342,831
Brokerage $4,946
Investments Total $1,517,686
Savings $138,710
June Net Worth $1,656,396
May Net Worth $1,624,404
Monthly Gain/Loss $31,992
Checking $13,428
Car Value $10,000-16,000
Posted in
Savings stories,
Home sweet home,
Net Worth,
Personal Finance,
Saving Money
June 15th, 2024 at 04:20 pm
Not a huge deal, but I just realized that when I set up my automatic investments for the year that I directed my contributions to go to VTIAX instead of VTSAX. It's too late to fix for June as my contribution is processing, but I don't I'll switch it back to VTSAX as soon as I can. A good reminder to check your investments periodically to make sure things are going where you intend for them to go.
Posted in
Investing ideas,
June 9th, 2024 at 05:28 pm
My step increase that was due June 2nd is now effective in my HR portal. It works out to $141.60 biweekly and an annual raise of $3,681.60. It's nice to receive a little extra cash as I build my home and have the associated moving & furnishing expenses. I am resigning from my PRN position effective the end of July. I don't think I will pick up anything once I move, until maybe the New Year.
Posted in
Professional Life
June 2nd, 2024 at 05:41 pm
We're approximately 60 days or 2 months out from completion. Projected date is 7/31/2024. Brick & stucco have been installed so the exterior is really taking shape. Drywall has been delivered.
Now the interior progress starts to happen. We have tubs & fireplace installed, but no kitchen appliances. I think once they put in appliances they start locking the doors, so I won't be able to stroll through after hours. Darn. I love watching the progress.
Posted in
Home sweet home