February 1st, 2021 at 05:41 am
My grandfather passed away Sunday morning. I was at already at work when my mom called before 7. I'm glad that I got to say goodbye Saturday. I also called my sisters so they could say goodbye, even though he wasn't responding yesterday. My mom said he was talking Friday. I am at peace that he was ready to go & that it was his time to go. He was my last living grandparent.
My parents got their vaccine yesterday. They got Moderna. I'm glad that all 3 of us have been vaccinated. Their second shot will come in 4 weeks, I believe.
I can't believe that it's already February!
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General musings
January 31st, 2021 at 02:19 am
My grandpa wasn't breathing well this morning. We went to visit him. Other family members dropped in & out. The hospice nurse told us not to stay all day, so we came home. I don't know if she said that for our benefit or his.
My parents are getting their vaccines at Walgreens tomorrow. Not sure if it's the Pfizer or Moderna. My mom mentioned it during a family group video chat & I forgot to ask with all the conversation happening.
With my credit cards paid off I feel like I can take my foot off the gas with all the hours I've been working. I have a big inspection coming up in March so I'm taking February off at the hospital. I'll definitely need more time to get my condo ready as well.
Market has been down, but not horribly so. That GME spectacle was something to witness, for sure.
Net Worth: $1,130,760
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Net Worth,
Personal Finance
January 30th, 2021 at 04:05 am
They sent my grandfather to a hospice home rather send him home with a hospice nurse, which is better for all involved. My mom went today to pay for his funeral. It was better to do it now, rather than wait. Even if he makes a complete turnaround, that's one less thing for my mom to have to contend with when he does eventually pass.
I ran my numbers through the H&R Block tax calculator. It says I'll owe $1355. Not bad. I'm glad that I had them withhold an extra $100 per paycheck at my third job. It really softened the blow.
I now owe less than $1k on my credit cards & I consider them paid off! My balance will never be $0, so keeping the recurring balance under $1k will be my goal from now on.
I'm so glad that after temps in the 70's last week, it feels like winter again. A very mild winter, but winter nonetheless.
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Personal Finance
January 26th, 2021 at 11:04 pm
My mom called me at work this morning to tell me that my grandfather wasn't doing well. I left work to take her to the hospital. Though we thought he could have more than one visitor a day since leaving ICU, it's still only one per day. They made an exception today and both my mom & my uncle were able to visit. I still haven't seen him. The would like to arrange a hospice nurse for him. It's so strange because although he is 90, until the last month or so he was so healthy. The last time I took him to a doctor the doctor mentioned to me that he was very thin, but he always been like that. He lost weight so quickly once he started to have issues, and again, he didn't have anything to lose. We just want him comfortable for as long as he has left with us. They took him in for another surgery Sunday, but we don't want them to keep performing surgeries.
In financial news, I have received all of my income documents for the year. Still need to upload a few other statements before my appt. My dad mentioned that I would be able to deduct my charitable contributions last year even if I didn't exceed my standard deduction. That's good. I continued to give to church & the local food bank. I still have a feeling that I will owe.
I think I mentioned that I bought a SodaStream during the Christmas sales. I finally just tried it today. I had bought a couple of zero calorie flavors through Kohl's. I can't wait to try it after it chills. I love my sparkling water & will enjoy being able to make my own. And yay for less waste!
Net Worth: $1,168,011
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January 23rd, 2021 at 07:25 pm
Yesterday was my dad's birthday. My mom wanted to buy my dad some lottery tickets for his birthday so I went & purchased 10 MegaMillions tickets. Somebody in Michigan won the entire $1 billion jackpot! I didn't even know that the jackpot was so big. I asked the cashier for Powerball tickets & she asked me if I wanted Ppwerball or MegaMillions. The lady behind me told me that the MegaMillions jackpot was much bigger so that's what I bought.
I had to work last night so we are ordering dinner from a local restaurant today. I will pick up a cake at Fresh Market. I gave him a $100 gift card to a local Italian restaurant as a gift. I also gave him a variety of K-cups & more of the Jelly Belly recipe mixes that they got as a Christmas stocking stuffer.
My grandpa was moved from the Critical Care unit to a step-down unit yesterday. He can now have more than one visitor a day, though I'm sure that they will still have some additional Covid precautions. I am now 2 weeks past my second dose of vaccine, but still unsure if I should visit until he is stronger.
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Food / Groceries
January 21st, 2021 at 10:02 pm
I have received my pay stub for tomorrow's paycheck. I received both anticipated pay increases in one check: an annual across the board increase of 1% and my scheduled step increase. The combined increases translated to a 3.9% raise. Not anything to go crazy with, but ever penny counts!
Net Worth $1,166,919
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Net Worth,
Personal Finance
January 21st, 2021 at 04:08 am
Monday was the federal holiday to honor Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I took off Tuesday & Wednesday as well. My friend was here each day doing work on my house. I had my kitchen cabinets & a few doors painted. Everything looks nice. Looking forward to getting more done in preparation for putting my home on the market. Still have more to do.
I was inspired by Monkey Mama's chicken fajita subs so I made a recipe I've tried before & really enjoyed: chicken fajitas made in the oven on a sheet pan. Turned out great once again & I ate them on whole wheat flour tortillas.
I was up early enough to watch the inauguration events starting with Trump's departure from the White House. I'm glad that everything went off without incident. All the ladies looked so lovely & everyone seemed to be on good spirits. I liked seeing the gifts presented to the President & Vice-President. I'm be never seen that before. It reminded me of the feeling in the city during Obama's inaugurations. I attended both.
But today was mainly a wonderful day because my grandpa is still with us. He was rushed to the hospital yesterday evening. The doctors had an idea what was wrong, but couldn't be sure without performing exploratory surgery. Problem was: he's 90, his heart briefly stopped during a procedure last week, and he's lost so much weight that he isn't even 100 pounds. So one doctor wanted to go ahead, while the other doctors weren't sure he would survive. I spoke to my aunt, who is making the decisions because my mom was too upset. We both agreed that among the choices not doing anything was not an option. We weren't going to let him suffer. So my aunt gave the okay. Miraculously, he survived the surgery & they were able to fix the issue which was as they thought. He has a road ahead of him, but we are happy that he is still with us. Today was a wonderful day!
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Food / Groceries
January 11th, 2021 at 03:31 pm
I got my second COVID-19 dose on Saturday. I felt fine all day, but still spent most of the day at home. Sunday I woke up in that "sick fog". I was scheduled to work 6-6 so I went in knowing that I wasn't truly coming down with anything, but that the vaccine was just doing its job. It was a struggle for the first half of the shift, but I made it through. I was in bed by 7 & woke up feeling fine today. So besides that & pain at the injection site, that was the worst of my symptoms. My body feeling like it was fighting something let's me know that the vaccine is working. In about 2 weeks my body will have developed the full response it takes to fight the virus. I wasn't very happy with the situation at the vaccine clinic the second time. It was much busier, impossible to socially distance. I understand, however, that we really need to increase the number of people that we are vaccinating tog et out of this pandemic situation.
I had an EBay sale yesterday. The seller accepted my counter offer so that's my first sale for 2021! I will mail it off on my lunch break or after work. I'm always happy to make a sale no matter how small.
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January 10th, 2021 at 10:48 pm
Last week was a rough first week of the New Year. I hope that this second goes better. I'm feeling a bit run down & when I'm tired, my emotional health seems to suffer first. I think it's time for me to step back from working so many hours. It's hard for me to say no when I know people are in need, but my well is getting dry. I also need to make time to get my home ready to put on the market.
The stock market seems to have weathered all the turmoil this week very well. My investments continue to rise.
It looks like we will get our 1% raise after all. I'm thankful for anything at this time. I also continue to look for promotion opportunities.
Net Worth: $1,159,880
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Net Worth
January 4th, 2021 at 09:28 pm
My stimulus posted to my account today. They are certainly getting these payments out quickly this time!
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January 2nd, 2021 at 03:44 am
12/31/2020: $1,024,677
12/31/2019: $841,380
Contributions: $24,000
Net Gains: $159,297
Net Gains & Contributions: $183,297
Year end balance does not include the $1,500 that I contributed on New Year's Eve, even though it was well in advance of market closing time. They also have it categorized as a 2021 contribution so I will have to go in & recategorize it as a 2020 contribution.
My investments are officially out earning me & I work 3 jobs!
Net Worth: $1,131,831
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Investing ideas,
Net Worth,
January 2nd, 2021 at 03:31 am
We made it to 2021, woohoo! 🥳🎉🎊🎆
I am looking forward to achieving these goals in 2021:
1. Finish paying off credit card debt.
2. Contribute maximum to TSP.
3. Contribute maximum to Roth IRA.
4. Contribute to savings monthly.
5. Give to church monthly.
6. Donate to charity monthly.
7. Apply for promotions.
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Personal Finance
December 31st, 2020 at 05:33 pm
Happy last day of 2020! It's been a tough year for many & I'm happy that so many will be able to turn the page on what has been a difficult year.
My sister lost her mother-in-law on Tuesday. They had a very good relationship, which is not always the case with daughters-in-laws and mothers-in-laws, so she was very upset. Praying for my brother-in-law, sister, and my niece & nephew to ease their pain.
I got paid my final paycheck of 2020 today so I can start crunching my final numbers. I hope that the market ends on a high note!
I met with a real estate agent yesterday & signed the agreement for her to be the listing agent today. I also unexpectedly sold 2 candles on FB Marketplace yesterday. I sold for the same amount that I initially declined from another buyer, but I'm even more ready to pare down now. Contemplating contacting the interested party to see if her offer is still good. She was interested in buying 5 candles.
I will do my 2021 goals in another post tomorrow. Happy New Year!
ETA: I also just sent $1,500 to my Roth IRA today to complete my 2020 contributions. Now I can start out fresh in January, without playing catch-up.
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Personal Finance
December 28th, 2020 at 03:50 pm
It's almost 2021 & time to reflect on the wins & losses of 2020. 202 was a very good year for me with few losses except for a couple of canceled trips, which actually ended up being to my advantage.
1. Paid off my TSP loan. I took out a loan of $30k in the autumn of 2015 to pay off credit card debt. I buckled down to pay it off early in May 2020.
2. Paid off my car loan. I had an accident (not my fault) in November 2015. The insurance company totalled out my 2008 Toyota Corolla. I put $10k down on my Honda CR-V and financed $20k at 2.19% for 73 months. I buckled down to pay it off a year early. I hope to keep this car for at least 5 more years.
3. Probably my biggest debt win this year was the $22k in credit card debt that I had earlier this year. It's now down to $2k and I will pay it off next month. That will mean a lot more money to rebuild savings and explore stock investing. I am recommitting to paying off my cards every month.
4. I worked a lot! I made approximately $30k at my side hustle jobs. Since so many of my plans were canceled: trips, dance classes, theatre season tickets, I was able to maximize my time to earn more.
5. I lost some weight. I've gained some of it back, but am recommitting to healthier eating in 2021.
6. I had $0 savings at the beginning of the year. I now have almost $3k in savings. It's not a lot, but it means I won't have to get a loan from my mom again if I have to replace my A/C or some other home repair pops up. I have recommitted to saving monthly. Again, this will be easier with less debt payments.
7. And finally, I passed $1 million in net worth in September. Earlier this month I achieved $1 million held in investments only, not including assests such as my home or car.
Here's to an even better 2021!
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December 25th, 2020 at 06:40 am
I fell asleep, but fireworks woke me up.
I got my last two paychecks from first & second jobs. We got our performance awards on this paycheck and I maxed out my TSP with a final contribution of $700. Next year I will be back to contributing $750 per paycheck. This year I had decreased, then increased, contributions to accelerate debt payoff. With my debts largely paid off I can go back to my usual equal contributions.
I worked today, which was declared a holiday, so I'll see more pay on my next check. Then I get my step increase & whatever annual increase on the check after that. With the relief bill they are allowing federal employees to pay back the payroll deferral over the year, rather than by April. That sounded good at first, but I think I'd rather pay it back sooner personally.
My lab supervisor from my second job texted me this morning about all the gifts that had been left in my locker. I thought she was texting me to see what days I could work next month. It was very nice all the things she mentioned: gifts cards, earbuds, B&BW, ornament. No gifts from my third job, but I appreciate the flexibility & good pay they provide throughout the year. That's the best gift!
Merry Christmas to all! 🎄🌟
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December 21st, 2020 at 03:58 pm
It looks like both parties have agreed to a second stimulus package. This second round will be half of the first round at $600 and based upon the same income limits as the first round. I haven't read how quickly it will be sent out, but I thought the idea was to have something in place before the end of the year. I suppose I can use it to either shore up savings or put towards my IRA. That's not really stimulating the economy, but that may be the wrong word for a relief package. What are your plans for the money if you qualify?
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December 20th, 2020 at 01:52 am
So far no side effects. It burned some going in which is normal with other vaccines. My co-worker experienced itching & warmth at the injection site, which I've experienced with other vaccines. After they administered the does they had you wait for 15 minutes then we got to leave. Still feeling fine, but it may hit me in a day or two. I understand the immune response will be greater after the second dose in 3 weeks.
I've read that they've already administered 1.1 millions doses in less than a week. That's an amazing distribution effort.
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General musings
December 17th, 2020 at 03:44 am
Today was a really good day all around. As well as reaching my $1 million investment goal, my Experian report updated & my FICO score is now 850! It may not last, but I am enjoying that achievement as well.
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General musings,
Personal Finance
December 16th, 2020 at 12:00 pm
A good day for the markets meant I reached my investment goal of $1 million! It was so close only a week or two ago, but then the markets pulled back.
Investments: $1,004,409
I received another Clever Fox planner, this time the financial planner. It was a special gift bundle that came with the cash envelopes. I weighed the pros & cons of both and have decided to keep the financial planner and gift the budget planner. I gifted the cash envelopes & extra stickers as well. With achieving so many goals this year I'm looking forward to achieving more in 2021.
I got confirmation of my performance award on my next paycheck. That will be a nice bonus at Christmas. I will also be working Christmas Eve since my employee that recently returned from maternity leave wanted the day off. I get holiday pay so that's nice. Usually I want off because my family is in town, but that's not happening this year.
Every once in a while I get a letter from a realtor saying they are looking to buy in my complex. This time I responded & she will call me today. I am ready to sell. I'm not sure what my next step is, but I'm open to the possibilities. I have $70k in equity if I sell for what I bought it for.
Net Worth: $1,109,739
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Net Worth,
December 15th, 2020 at 05:05 pm
I was paid by my third job today. I worked a little over 47 hours even with the Thanksgiving holiday. Because I don't get deductions with this job my pay is comparable to my full-time job. The 15th is also the date for my automatic drafts for my auto & home insurance and utilities. Tomorrow my biweekly mortgage goes through.
It's nice to have increased cash flow. I'm not having to juggle payments, but I just pay bills as they come.
My final two checks for the year will be paid on Christmas Day. Maybe they will come through on Christmas Eve due to the holiday. Christmas Eve was declared a holiday for federal employees this year so I either will take that day off or get paid holiday pay. I'd rather have the day off since I'm already taking off Monday-Wednesday. If they decide to close the clinic we all get off, but they haven't made that decision yet.
Our facility got our first shipment of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday. Our chief told us that they received roughly the amount of doses that people registered for, so we should all be able to get vaccinated with this first round. My second job also received the Pfizer vaccine so whoever calls me first is where I'm going to get vaccinated. The end is in sight!
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Personal Finance
December 12th, 2020 at 04:35 pm
I always say that I'll let the final payment go through as usual, but like with my TSP loan I couldn't wait. My automatic payment of $200 went through yesterday & I had $180.15 remaining. I scheduled the $180.16 payoff amount for today. She's all mine now! 🚙
This is my second loan payoff this year & I've moved my anticipated credit card pay off from spring 2021 to January 2021. My balance will never be zero as I don't pay in cash, but it should just be my usual monthly purchases on my balance after next month, rather than recurring debt. I am now down to $3k from $22k earlier this year.
My next paycheck I will contribute $700 to my TSP to max out for the year. I still have $2k remaining to contribute on my 2020 IRA. $500 will be contributed on the 15th.
I'm so excited for my progress this year. It's like I woke up out of a slumber. Next year I'll be able to focus on rebuilding my savings.
Still no news about whether federal employees will get a raise next year, but I'm still due for a step increase. Of course, we will have to begin paying back deferrred OASDI taxes in the new year.
I enjoyed my day off yesterday. I ran some errands, did some house chores, & had a belated birthday lunch with a friend. Today will be more of the same. I slept in very late today. I guess my body needed it.
Have a great weekend & happy Hanukkah to those celebrating! 🕎
Net Worth $1,102,723
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December 10th, 2020 at 11:54 pm
I calculated that I have been working nearly 80 hours every week between my three jobs. Tomorrow is payday (x2) and I decided to take the day off. I have 21.5 hours to use-or-lose before the end of the year.
Tomorrow I will pay my credit card & car loan. I am down to my last 2 car payments. I owe less than $400. My credit card debt has gone from $22k earlier this year to $4k currently.
Since my family isn't coming home for the holidays I'm sending gifts their way. I calculated shipping rates to send via USPS & FedEx and surprisingly, FedEx was cheaper. I assumed that USPS would always be the cheapest option. I certainly was wrong.
Christmas is coming so fast! It will be a tough one without family, but we'll all hopefully be together in the somewhat near future.
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Debt diet,
Credit Cards,
December 5th, 2020 at 06:49 am
Well, I am less than an hour into my birthday. I just got home from work. So much to be thankful about & to reflect on. When I think of where I was a year ago, I've made huge progress financially & in other ways.
Today I am less than $2k away from having $1 million in investments. So very close. It would have been nice to make that goal on my birthday, but I know it's just around the corner.
I just wrote a check for my property taxes. I did finally get the bill in the mail. I like to pay my bills as they come in. I know some people do theirs monthly.
Net Worth $1,101,715
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Personal Finance
December 1st, 2020 at 05:40 pm
It's the first of December & the last month of the year. So the first of the last. 😄
I'm turning 29 again on Saturday. 😉 I told my parents I just want to get take-out and order a cheesecake (instead of birthday cake). I'm always low-key on my birthday celebrations, even in a non-pandemic year.
Today was payday for my third job. I am adding the amount to my debt pay down. I love that I earn PTO at this job, even though I'm not full-time. Next day that they don't call me in I'll put in a PTO request to use my accumulated PTO hours.
This month I pay property taxes, but so far no bill has come in the mail. I'm hoping they delay payments due to the pandemic. I can definitely pay it this month, but if the deadline is delayed I will delay my payment as well.
I don't think my sisters will be traveling home for the holidays. Although I will miss them, it's probably for the best. We will of course FaceTime, Zoom, & Duo as often as we can.
Net Worth $1,085,809
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Travel Tales,
November 29th, 2020 at 07:26 pm
I did a little Black Friday shopping. On Wednesday I took advantage of Old Navy's 50% off the entire store to buy a pair of leggings. Last week (or maybe it was the week prior?) I bought some Moose Munch popcorn through Macy's. Thursday I ordered a couple of shirts to layer underneath my scrubs from Kohl's. Friday I bought a couple of soaps from World Market. I also bought a $100 gift card to a nice local Italian restaurant. I will get a bonus $50 gift card in addition to the $100 gift card. That is my dad's Christmas & birthday gifts. His birthday is in January. Saturday I bought a few fun holiday items from Joann's, marked down 70%. I definitely didn't buy any big ticket items, though I am eyeing a Soda Stream from Kohl's that is greatly marked down. I drink a lot of sparkling water.
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Spending stuff,
November 25th, 2020 at 11:15 pm
I went by my parents' hone to do some food prep. We made carrot soufflé, cranberrry sauce, and prepped vegetables for tomorrow. I put the wine & egg nog in the fridge to chill. Pies were purchased, but my dad baked some cakes for Christmas. They went into the freezer.
It will be just the three of us tomorrow.
Our menu:
Cornish hen
cornbread dressing (my favorite)
cranberry sauce
green beans with potatoes & bacon
sweet potato pie
pecan pie
rose wine
moscato wine
Pennsylvania Dutch egg nog
We also like Evan Williams egg nog, but Pennsylvania Dutch was near the check-out register.
What are you having?
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Food / Groceries
November 25th, 2020 at 02:59 pm
Due to our rate of positives our governor has pushed us back to phase two. We were in phase three with up to 75% occupancy, now we're back at 50% occupancy.
I unexpectedly sold an EBay item on Sunda (it's been a while since I've had a sale) and the two people ahead of me weren't wearing masks even though we still have a mask mandate. That Pfizer vaccine can't come soon enough for me. Fingers crossed that I get selected. 🤞🏾
I really have banged myself up this last week. I have some sort of carpet burn on my side possibly from the Lyra loop, I think I may have broken the same toe again, and I sliced my finger open in the lab fridge door. I'm a walking accident!
The Dow passed 30,000 yesterday! So exciting. I am less than $23k from $1 million in just investments. My home equity & car worth is what is pushing me over $1 million now. I am kind of kicking myself for not getting in on those travel stocks, but oh well. You win some, you lose some. There will be other opportunities I'm sure.
I am home during the day for the next 3 days. I need to go grocery shopping for today's holiday cooking. So happy to have a few days off. I still have to work in the evening, though. I have 3 more use or lose days before the end of the year after this. I will take them the week of Christmas. My sisters are still planning to come home & I pray for their safety traveling.
it is my birthday next Saturday & my early birthday present to myself was buying President Obama's first volume of his presidential memoirs. He is a wonderful story teller & I look forward to reading it when I can find the time. I may lend it to my mom first as I'm currently so busy. It is over 700 pages.
Friday is payday & I only have 3 paychecks left in 2020 as well as 3 payments on my car. My last car payment is my Christmas paycheck. Merry Christmas to me! That's $200 extra biweekly. I love when I give myself a raise through debt payoff. I will also max out my TSP with my last paycheck.
Happy Thanksgiving all! 🦃
Net Worth $1,077,566
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November 23rd, 2020 at 06:08 pm
My work at the private lab has really picked up. Since they first called me in on a Friday evening, I've been in every weekday evening since then with the exception of one. They have arleady contacted me to say they'll need me every evening this week, except for Thanksgiving evening. At my hospital job they also are offering as many hours as I want. They continue to lose their full-time staff for better pay & hours elsewhere. I don't understand why the hospital administration doesn't take some action. It's a critical situation in the middle of a pandemic.
I can say that the rate of positive COVID tests are really ticking up. One of my fellow lab supervisors lost his wife to the virus Saturday. I don't know her health history but I would guess that he is around 50, so not elderly. Please be safe out there all.
My debt pay off continues to tick down, while my net worth continues to tick up. If I continue to work these hours the payoff date will continue to move closer. I've already made at least $25k between these two jobs this year. Next year, when I'm debt-free I'd like to scale back. I think I have finally learned the lesson on how to budget & be more aware of the debt I'm accruing.
I can't wait to write an end of year update. I've accomplished so many things this year!
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Personal Finance
November 17th, 2020 at 10:05 am
It's so close, but I think it wil back off a little today rather than reach that milestone.
They have already called me in to do some COVID testing tonight. I have my Lyra class, so I will go I about an hour late. Again, I'm so grateful for the hours. I was also supposed to work only 8 hours Sunday, the first time I've been scheduled for a regular 8 hour shift in months. It just so happened that someone called in so I did my usual 12 hour shift.
Tomorrow we have our annual management meeting with the director. Last year he proposed closing our clinic lab. He has it on the agenda to follow-up on that proposal. With whatever decision he makes I know I'll land on my feet. I've already been contemplating what my next moves will be & I'm excited about the possibilities.
Net Worth $1,060,646
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Investing ideas,
Net Worth,
November 14th, 2020 at 06:36 pm
Today is a beautiful day, the weather is perfect. I'm actually writing this while sitting outside sipping on a cafe au lait at a local coffee shop. ☕️
I had my Lyra class this morning. I had a hard time getting up because they finally called me back to do some COVID testing last night. I worked almost 5 hours. It's nice quiet work. I'm happy for the extra money. They pay very well & it will help me with my debt payoff.
My expected debt payoff time keeps moving up which is exciting. I can't wait to be debt free (except for my mortgage). My mortgage will be under $55k with my next payment! I owe less than $600 on my car.
I'm a federal employee & the Senate is proposing freezing federal employees pay. There are the 2 Senate races in Georgia that will decide control of the Senate. That may be the deciding factor for what happens. The president can override the Senate, but I don't think he's in the mood to show such goodwill.
I'm due for a step increase in January so even with a freeze I'll still get a raise. It's understandable during economic crises, but the spending freezes don't help when expenses keep going up. We had several years of freezes under Obama. I'm thankful to have a job, to get the $1200 stimulus that I didn't really need, an unexpected windfall with the union settlement, & to still get my step increase. I'm blessed in so many ways.
Net Worth $1,047,070
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